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Twenty Two - The Apology

I always feel like I need to do another post,
(A compensation post?)
After I blog something like post twenty one.
So I shall.
After reading many blogs,
I've found that the common thing that everyone seems to like about popular blogs are pictures.
Most are picture archives, if you will,
But many also post pictures of themselves.
Their outfits.
As much as I love dressing up,
I'm not sure I could ever do that.
It feels so narcissistic.
To post a picture of myself every day?
I dont know if I could.
But I'm at a loss of what the reoccuring theme of my blog should be.
I'm not doing a project.
I'm not making a statement.
I'm not changing the world.
I'm simply living the day to day.
So I'm trying to figure out how to make that interesting for you to read.
Perhaps pictures will do the trick?
But how will i know if my outfits are good enough to blog?
My style is different than the average joe's,
But I'm not a style icon or anything.
I'm still pretty normal.
A lot of blogs are "Living Vintage"
Or "Living Indie"
or "Living Bohemian"
Who wants to read a blog about someone who's "Living Normal"?
I'd really like feedback.
Por favor.

Maybe I'll toy around with pictures.
We shall see.

For now, I'll leave you with this picture:

I desperately want to cut my hair like this.
Emma Watson is my style hero, as of late.
I cant get enough of her.
*ahem*If you see me wearing outfits that resemble hers, dont be alarmed*ahem*


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