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Twenty Five - The Inspiration

Its 12:20, and I have yet to blog.

I signed on to blogger, thinking I knew which blog I was going to feature today.
I went on to the blog I THOUGHT I wanted to feature.
But that blog led me to another one.
And, I'm sorry other blog, but this blog seems much more important.
This new blog that I want to feature
Is heartbraking.
Is heartwarming.
Is inspiration.
Is motivation.
Is beautiful.
Please read it.
She is such a beautiful spirit.
She is such a beautiful woman.
Her faith is beautiful.
Her strength.
Her family.
Her stories.
Simply put - its beautiful.
Her blog made me cry on several occasions.
And I've only been reading it for a little over two hours.
I wish my faith was as strong as hers is.
She is unwavering.
Its inspirational.
And her kids are adorable.

NieNie Dialogues

(click the banner to connect to her blog)

On another note,
Its officially spring break.
Rejoice, rejoice.
I will schedule a post for tomorrow because I will be out all day.
(going to school to work on yearbook/ going to my film class/ then going to the Michael Buble concert!)
(Will try to take plenty of pictures)
Hopefully on Thursday I can blog properly,
And about another topic besides blog-features.
We will see what it brings.
For now, though, I have another blog-feature post to write for tomorrow.
And it is late and I'm tired.
So I am going to quickly do that.
Good night for now, all!


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I've been reading Nie Nie for a long time now, you are right. Her blog is so amazing...such an inspiration to women.

Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go