Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you stay a while, and find something that tickles your fancy. Feel free to contact me via email, Twitter, and/or comments.


This blog hits a little closer to home.
And by saying that I mean it literally.
This is the blog of my best friends sister.
And it is fantastic.
She writes about the adventures of her life with her side kick, "The Punk"
Which is the name she so charmingly gave her son.
Really, thats the only way to describe this blog.
She makes daily activities seem quirky and fun.
But perhaps it only seems that way because she is just naturally funny.
Visit her blog.
Feel the warmth in her typed up words.

(Meili and The Punk)

You know this picture is both adorable and intruiging.
Doesnt the matching socks just make you want to be a part of her blog family?
I encourage you to.

Thats all for now, my friends.
I am sleepy and cant think of anything else to say.
I will see you thursday!


Its 12:20, and I have yet to blog.

I signed on to blogger, thinking I knew which blog I was going to feature today.
I went on to the blog I THOUGHT I wanted to feature.
But that blog led me to another one.
And, I'm sorry other blog, but this blog seems much more important.
This new blog that I want to feature
Is heartbraking.
Is heartwarming.
Is inspiration.
Is motivation.
Is beautiful.
Please read it.
She is such a beautiful spirit.
She is such a beautiful woman.
Her faith is beautiful.
Her strength.
Her family.
Her stories.
Simply put - its beautiful.
Her blog made me cry on several occasions.
And I've only been reading it for a little over two hours.
I wish my faith was as strong as hers is.
She is unwavering.
Its inspirational.
And her kids are adorable.

NieNie Dialogues

(click the banner to connect to her blog)

On another note,
Its officially spring break.
Rejoice, rejoice.
I will schedule a post for tomorrow because I will be out all day.
(going to school to work on yearbook/ going to my film class/ then going to the Michael Buble concert!)
(Will try to take plenty of pictures)
Hopefully on Thursday I can blog properly,
And about another topic besides blog-features.
We will see what it brings.
For now, though, I have another blog-feature post to write for tomorrow.
And it is late and I'm tired.
So I am going to quickly do that.
Good night for now, all!


I know what I want out of my blog.

I want to be honest.
I want to tell you guys about who I am.
About what I do.
I dont need to do this through posting pictures of outfits.
I dont need to do this through doing a "one-a-day" type of project.
I will simply do this by being me.
And then writing about it.
And in doing this, I will be looking at my (self-proclaimed) normal/boring days and subconsciously - maybe even consciously - trying to find something bizzare and extraordinary in them.
Thats the beauty of blogging.
And the beauty of bloggers.
True bloggers.
That they have the ability to make us want to read about them.
Read about their days.
They they can take something simple and make it seem so interesting.
Because in their eyes, it is.
Thats who I want to be.
So this week, I want to feature some of my favorite blogs.
And not blogs like The Style Rookie from post fourteen.
Blogs about real people.
Who talk about their real life.
I want to feature one blog a day for the next week.
And I want to start off the week by featuring the blog that made me realize this in the first place.

TRIUMPHS and blunders of a KOOKY gal
(click on the banner to connect to the blog)

TRIUMPHS & blunders of a KOOKY gal

I found this blog, literally, just yesterday.
And she's already changed the way I look at blogging.
As I read post after post,
Her story, pictures and voice continually urging me to read the next one,
I thought,
this girl must be a blog veteran. she's such a natural.
I went to her blog archive and searched for her first post.
Saturday, January 2nd.
Yes, 2010.
Yes, the same day I started this blog.
I was in awe.
I was jealous.
I was amazed.
I was inspired.
I was every other adjective you can imagine when you think of someones jaw dropping.
I was all of it.
And I realized I was none of it.
I had none of that courageous blogging.
She immediately embraced the blogging force and ran forward with courage.
I am still feebly deciding whether what I write is worth reading or not.

I will fear no longer!
I will go forward and take the blogging world by storm!
I will put on my warrior gear and charge onward.
I will not be afraid that what I write isnt worth blogging about.
If you dont like one of my posts one day, I'm real sorry to have lost you.
But I hope you stick around for the next one.
I hope you have faith in me.
Because I have faith in us!

In short,
I love blogging.
I will continue blogging.
I will stop comparing myself to other blogs.
And I will check Triumphs and Blunders of a Kooky Gal's blog everyday.
Its only been a short time that I've entered her blog-home, but its already on my list of daily stop-in's.
Put it on your list too.

Reading her blog has started the mind-flow of ideas for my blog.
I already things have a list of I want to blog about
So be prepared, my friends.
(Also, reading her blog gave me the inspiration to do the new-and-improved links on the left.
I hope she doesnt mind that I borrowed her idea.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, yeah?)

Watch this space, folks.
Its coming at'cha.


Today, I woke up and I wanted Spaghetti-O's.
I opened the can, poured it into a bowl, and popped it into the microwave.
When it came out, I realized...
This is a LOT of Spaghetti-O's.
I offered some to my brother, hoping he would split it with me, to no avail.
So I decided I would eat what I could, and put the rest in the fridge for later.
So there I was,
Watching Late Night With Jimmy Fallon on DVR, and happily munching away on my Spaghetti-O's with a green spoon.
(Yes, I eat my Spaghetti-O's with a spoon, not a fork.)
When I decided I was full, I was still watching TV.
So I set the bowl aside telling myself I would put it away when I was done.
Then my father came in and asked me to clean the kitchen.
I happily obliged.
(With absolutely no sarcasm in that last line. I was strangely ok with being asked to clean. Which was odd for me.)
I happily obliged, and went to the kitchen.
After doing the dishes and cleaning the counters, I moved on to the floor.
I started prepping it for brooming/mopping by picking up large pieces of garbage off the floor.
Next to my dogs kennel was a broken green spoon.
I picked it up, thinking dang puppy and threw it away.
I broomed.
I mopped.
I was done.
I moved back into the TV room and decided I would finish this episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon later.
Turning off the TV, I grabbed my bowl.
And noticed it was empty.
My eyebrows furrowed.
Really? Had I eaten all of it, and didnt remember?
Surely I wasnt THAT forgetful.
Or that pathetic, that I ate without noticing.
I specifically remember not eating all of it.
Confused, I took the bowl to the kitchen and put it in the sink.
On my way, I saw my dog.
And it clicked.
The empty bowl, the broken green spoon near his kennel, the guilty look in his eye.
Jack had eaten my Spaghetti-O's.
For some, this might not be a big deal.
But in our house it is a strict rule that the dog isnt supposed to eat human food.
I looked down at my dog and put my hand on my hips.
"Did you eat my Spaghetti-O's?" I asked.
He simply looked at me.
I asked again.
He looked down for a second then looked back up at me again.
I thought of all the rules he had broken.
He went into the TV room (which he isnt supposed to do.)
Climbed onto the couch (which he isnt supposed to be on) to reach my bowl
And ate my food (which he isnt supposed to eat.)
I shook my head at him and he scurried away.
Ah, pets.
Luckily for him I found it more amusing than anything so I let him get away with it.
That conniving little fur ball.

(P.s. The picture is from
Its this lovely blog that features original art done by the blogger herself.
Her drawings are charming beyond belief.
A charm that is aided by little background stories of each of her characters.
The girl in this particular picture is named Madalina, with her collie Mahfi.
Click on the blog link.
I promise it will be worth your time.)

Today is Earth Hour Day.
Are you guys participating?
I know I am!
Its simple enough -
Turn off all the lights from 8:30 - 9:30.
Be a part of the world-wide revolution.
If you read this before eight-thirty (your local time),
Tell me,
What are you going to do during Earth Hour, in the dark?
If you read this after 8:30,
Tell me what you did do!
During Earth Hour,
Take pictures, record video, get creative,
Then write it about it in your blog, and send me the link!
And if you want to read more about Earth Hour,
Dont forget to add yourself to the world map!
(Click on the widget below, to fill out the form.)


I always feel like I need to do another post,
(A compensation post?)
After I blog something like post twenty one.
So I shall.
After reading many blogs,
I've found that the common thing that everyone seems to like about popular blogs are pictures.
Most are picture archives, if you will,
But many also post pictures of themselves.
Their outfits.
As much as I love dressing up,
I'm not sure I could ever do that.
It feels so narcissistic.
To post a picture of myself every day?
I dont know if I could.
But I'm at a loss of what the reoccuring theme of my blog should be.
I'm not doing a project.
I'm not making a statement.
I'm not changing the world.
I'm simply living the day to day.
So I'm trying to figure out how to make that interesting for you to read.
Perhaps pictures will do the trick?
But how will i know if my outfits are good enough to blog?
My style is different than the average joe's,
But I'm not a style icon or anything.
I'm still pretty normal.
A lot of blogs are "Living Vintage"
Or "Living Indie"
or "Living Bohemian"
Who wants to read a blog about someone who's "Living Normal"?
I'd really like feedback.
Por favor.

Maybe I'll toy around with pictures.
We shall see.

For now, I'll leave you with this picture:

I desperately want to cut my hair like this.
Emma Watson is my style hero, as of late.
I cant get enough of her.
*ahem*If you see me wearing outfits that resemble hers, dont be alarmed*ahem*


I'm confused.

Really, thats the only way to describe the way I feel whenever I think about you.
The whole you.
And calm down.
I'm not talking to you.
I'm talking to YOU.
*Points in another direction*
Everytime I think about you, I get nostalgic.
I miss you.
Let me correct that.
I miss what we used to be.
I miss the memory.
But I'm not sure I miss you.
Because the second I encounter the real you,
I cant stand you.
And maybe thats too harsh.
But I cant stand what you've become.
Because I know its not the real you.
Or maybe it is, who knows.
I mean, lets be honest, it probably is the real you.
But its not the you that was real to me.
And I'm not gonna act like I was delusional to think that the old you could ever be the real you.
Because the old you was real to me for a really long time.
Your laugh,
Your smile,
Your hair,
Your speech,
Your stories,
They're all foreign to me.
And I wonder how it ever got like this.
How did we go from that to this?
How did I let it happen?
How could I let it happen?
It had to happen.
It was inevitable.
Clearly, this is the you thats been waiting to burst out since the beginning.
But I wonder if you remember the old you like I remember the old you.
I wonder if you remember any of your past.
Because I felt like I was a big part of your past.
In a completely non-vain way.
I mean to say that we were in eachothers lives for a very long time.
I wonder if you remember that.
I wonder if you remember me.
Cause I remember you.
All the time.
And sometimes I wait around,
For the day that you realize that everythings wrong,
And I hug you,
And you hug me back.
And we remember.
Sometimes I hope that the real you... or, I guess, the old you,
Sometimes I hope that the old you is trapped in the new you.
Sometimes I hope that you'll wake up,
Or you'll hear a song,
Or you think of a memory,
That we once shared.
Sometimes I hope that you'll come to this realization,
And you'll start crying.
And, slowly, the old you will reemerge.
The old you will become the real you again, and you'll be able to breath.
But then I see the real you.
Your new laugh.
Your new smile.
Your new hair.
Your new speech.
Your new stories.
And I know that you're one hundred percent happy with what you've become.
And I'm disappointed.
Because for a brief second,
I really convinced myself that someday you'd be you again.
But you are you.
What you were before was never you.
And I become even more disappointed that I was lied to for so long.
Cause you were a really important part of my life.
You still are.
Well.... the memory of you still is.
But I have hard time letting myself let you be important to me.
Because I know that I'm not important to you anymore.
I wonder if I ever was.
I'm sure you thought I was.
But if you could just give up so easily,
Was I, really?
Every time I see you I think about how much I dont know you anymore.
But I wonder if you ever think about how much you dont know about me.
Do you realize that my life went on just like yours did?
Do you ever wonder which course it took?
Do you ever wonder whats happening?
I hear about your life all the time.
Whether you know it or not.
Because you're gossip.
Youre a conversation starter.
Do you ever hear about me?
Do you care?
Do I care if you care?
Because I want you to want to know about me.
Because once you did.
And I miss that.
I miss us.
I miss the past.
But, I suppose, no matter how much I miss it,
The past will never be present again.

*looks around and realizes I've made a scene and a crowd is watching*


If I dont blog, I'll sleep.

Which usually is my favorite thing to do, but I dont much feel like going into my room and laying next to my empty fishbowl-less desk.
You understand right?
Onward and upward.
(Disclaimer: only Exploration (the video), the picture frames, and the excerpt at the end belong to me. Everything else was found on various places on the internet. And I'm too lazy to get all the links. But they're credited in my heart.)
(Also, click on the picture if you want to see the any of them a little larger)

The Tribute to Rant#142



Jeff Buckley - Halleluiah .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine



If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.
- Cicero






Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go