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Four - The Metaphor That Sounded Different in My Head

Today, my sister hugged me and said:
"Oh, but youre not my mermaid anymore! I miss her already!"
Why did she say this, you may ask?
Because today I cut my hair.
Not too much shorter, dont fret.
But there is definitely a significant difference in my length.
Its been long for a very long time, now.
I was just ready for something different.
And its strange,
putting my hand behind my back,
and having to reach a little bit higher to grab my hair,
But I really like it.
Due to technology, and records,
When I went to get my hair cut today,
They put me with the same girl who cut my hair before.
And I was really happy, because last time she cut my hair I loved it.
But a part of me was a little disappointed.
As I was sitting with my head in the sink,
While she shampooed my hair
And asked me the standard cordial questions,
I tried to figure out why I was disappointed.
The only metaphor I could come up with,
Was that hair dressers are like one night stands.
ONS, if you will.
Theres something exciting,
And comforting, almost,
Knowing that this new person who will cut your hair knows nothing about you.
Theres no awkwardness, and follow up questions about the last time you visited.
"So... did you ever buy a diffuser?"
"Did you still use that product?"
"Hows that guy you were telling me about?"
Its like...
Its been weeks.
How do you remember what we talked about?
I dont know how to answer your questions, because I certainly dont remember the conversation.
If you get the right (new) hair dresser,
They're quiet.
They ask the right amount of questions,
They're polite,
But their main goal is to cut your hair as best they can.
Sure, a regular hair dresser knows what you want,
Remembers how to make you happy,
But sometimes they get too comfortable.
And forget that,
Though you've been there before,
You would still like the best.
But a new hair dresser is always on their best behavior,
Trying to impress.
And with a new hair dresser,
Theres the comfort in knowing that if you dont like them,
You'll never have to see them again.
They disappoint you once, and thats it.
They're gone.
With a regular hair dresser,
If you keep going back,
And you like them every time,
If they one day do a bad job,
Its so much more disappointing.
You almost feel decieved.
This sounds a lot dirtier typed out than it did in my head.
I think,
a couple of hours ago when I first had the thought,
the metaphor went a little differently in my head.
But you take what you can get, yeah?
I dont know anything about a one night stand.
I promise I'm not a Pervy Perv.
Maybe instead, we should change the metaphor to dates, instead of one night stands?
I cut my hair today.


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Awwwww, I cut my hair short awhile ago too. It was so fun and I liked pretending I was Mia Farrow,
but now it's growing and I'm more leaning towards Hillary Clinton. (Joking) Happy seventeenth btw.


Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go