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Nine - The Restlessness

I'm ready for summer.
I'm ready for pastel colors and canvas shoes.
I'm ready for a nap.
I'm ready for today to be over.
I'm ready for people to grow up.
I'm ready for them to get over themselves and quit acting so stupid.
I'm ready for them to realize they're really not that special.
I'm ready to understand physics.
And math.
And history.
I'm ready to stop feeling so inadequate.
I'm ready to wake up and start living.
I'm ready for a nap.
I'm ready for lunch.
I'm ready to start driving.
I'm ready for March.
I'm ready for people to open their eyes.
I'm ready for that moment.
I'm ready to be done waiting for that moment.
I'm ready to get my eyebrows properly waxed.
I'm ready to get my nails done.
I'm ready for a blog renovation.
I'm ready for people to actually read my blog.
I'm ready for a popsicle.
I'm ready to watch The O.C.
I'm ready to write letters.
I'm ready my phone to stop losing service in physics
I'm ready for that.
I'm ready for this.
I'm ready to know.
But mostly,
I'm ready for a nap.

What are you ready for?

- Adri

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Ingrid Martinez

I'm ready for you to be ready at doing all the things you're not ready for.
actually i'm ready to start helping you with your music video.

oh, brooke

I'd say I'm ready to start over. Because life is getting really redundant--and frankly, I don't like it.


Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go