Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you stay a while, and find something that tickles your fancy. Feel free to contact me via email, Twitter, and/or comments.
So since I last did a real blog update I:
- Applied for college.
- Got in to college.
- Can't pay for college.
- Got a quesadilla for Christmas. (For college.)
Yes. I got a quesadilla maker, and Kolbie got a a MacBook Pro.
But I'll try not to be jealous.
I've been real puzzled about what to do with this 'ere blog when I go to college.
I dont know if I want to keep blogging on this blog.
Should I continue on this blog?
Should I create a new blog?
Should I create a new blog on tumblr?
Should I VLOG on youtube?
The possibilities are endless.
(Though, I can tell you right now I wont be vlogging any time soon.
I'm not nearly interesting enough.
I have a hard time keeping my three friends interested in my life.
Trying to keep all of YOU interested too?
Come on.)
I honestly cannot even wait to go to college.
I can't wait to have new experiences.
To live on my own.
To meet new people.
Thats what I'm most excited for.
Meeting new people.
I feel like I've met everyone in Utah.
Or at least everyone in Cottonwood.
Or at least everryone in my grade.
Or at least everyone worth meeting in my grade.
Or at least everyone in my grade worth meeting who's willing to meet me.
Aka: Not a lot of people.
I need new people in my life.
People with the same interests as me.
People who will nerdily obsess over music with me.
People who will... I dont know. Relate to me.
Not to say the people I know now dont relate to me.
I just want to meet someone.
To get to know someone.
Someone who doesnt know me.
I can't wait for that in college.
That is... if I can even pay for college.
I also got a panini maker for Christmas.
I may not be able to do my homework in college, but at least I wont starve.
- Adriana
Sometimes I
Want to be.
Dont know why I.
Think about.
Smile when.
Get angry at.
Am disappointed when.
Wish I could.
Wish you would.
Cant wait to.
Think that.
Feel like.
Get frustrated when.
Wonder if.
Want to.
Sometimes I want to real bad.
You guessed it, my blogosphere friends.
Its time for another installment of.....
This weeks Onion is my good friend Rachel.
Some might even say she is too good of a friend.
Which, when we can have a conversation with literally only our eyes, she probably is.
Rachel: How am I enjoying it? Its nice... Its a lot of reading. Which sucks because I'm a procrastinator.
A: Whats the plural of platypus?
R: Platypus's..... Platypi! OR Rachels minion army.
A: What is your opinion of triangles?
R: They're very pointy when you sit on them.
A: What is last but not least?
R: Grapes.
A: What did you dream about last night?
R: I dont remember.
A: What do you wish you dreamt about last night?
R: Unicorns.
A: Why you?
R: 'Cause I'm blonde and have brown eyes. Thats why.
A: Its 2027 and youre world famous for your invention. What did you invent?
R: Underwear that never wedges in your butt.
(Interruption by our friend Kenzie who was sitting at the table as I interviewed Rachel: Theres already an invention for that. Its called not wearing underwear.)
A: Please lead us through the macarena.
R: First you put your hands out, supenation style. Then you cross your arms, and touch the opposite shoulder. Then grab your head seductively. Then place your hands on your hips, and swing them. Then grab your luscious butt. Do a 180 jump, throw your head up to the sky, and shout HEY MACARENA!
A: All you need is....
R: To quote Crime and Punishment - air.
A: Please sign your name and draw something
She drew me.
I'm glad she percieves me as a a lady with scraggly hair and a hole in her neck.
Did you follow along the macarena with her?
Did you notice she did it wrong?
Ah, I love her.
- Adriana
P.S. Who's going to be my next intervieweeeeeee?
My dog is preparing for the apocalypse.
I'm absolutely sure of it.
Every time I fill his food bowl with little doggy bits that look like - but I'm sure taste nothing like - cocoa puffs,
He waits until you walk away,
Takes a single piece,
And runs it over to his kennel.
I'm not kidding.
I noticed him do it once, but thought I had just caught some random act.
But I've been doing some serious detective work and keeping records,
(Aka - simply just watching for it)
And he does it every time.
So today I looked in is kennel,
And lo and behold there's a giant food stash in there.
He knows something I dont......
Doesnt this face look like the face of someone who's trying to tell you something?
Dont say I didnt warn you.
In other news,
I noticed my past few posts all have the word "forty" mispelled in them.
Which was embarrassing for point 4 seconds.
You win some, you lose some.
I'm not sure why I abandoned my poor little blog for quite some time.
But I apologize for the absence.
Though I'm sure no one even noticed.
I will try to update more frequently.
But we'll see how long that thought lasts.
For now, I'll leave you with a little story.
On Tuesday, I went to the Ra Ra Riot concert.
I arrived only an hour early and expected to be pretty far back in line.
Nay, my friends.
There were only like two other girls in line.
Which allowed the band members to walk out and about.
Which allowed annoying fans like me to bug them for pictures.
I met Wes Miles and Mathieu Santos, but I mean, no big.
Also, since the last time I blogged I met Chris Tomson from Vampire Weekend.
I didnt.
But isnt he cute in this picture?
Vampire Weekend - Horchata .mp3 | ||
Found at bee mp3 search engine |
- Adriana
Do you ever feel like this?
Sometimes I feel like I would go the moon and back for someone I love, but they wouldnt even take a day out of their life to do something to make me happy.
There are 365 days in a year.
366 days every four years.
Say you live to be 100.
Thats 36,525 days.
Thirty six thousand, five hundred and twenty five days in your life time.
I'd give you all 36,525 of mine.
All I'm asking for is one of yours.
Come on.
Thats an extremely possible scenario.
We should just ban school from the world.
Its too hazardous....
.... No?
Ugh, fine.
I guess I'll just try to enjoy my last week of summer.
It shall include the zoo, the planetarium, cool science movies, a student film festival-type thing, and lots of hours spent editing a documentary.
Not too shabby, I suppose.
What are you doing this week?
Whether it be your last week of summer or not,
Lets try to make it memorable, yeah?
Do AT LEAST one super awesome thing this week and let me know about it.
Cause I just love it when I hear from you all.
Whoever you are.
I'm gonna go paint my nails now.
I have weak moments.
Like at night when I'm recapping my day.
In those moments I miss your presence in my day to day.
But for the most part,
I'm so over you its not even funny.
And the best part is
Our friendship was so miniscule on the scale of life,
On the scale of your life,
That you dont even know.
You dont even care.
I want to fall in love with life.
But to be honest, I'm incredibly bored with it.
I need something to get excited about.
I think thats why I havent blogged in such a long time.
Nothing has excited me lately.
Nothing has inspired me lately.
Which is ridiculous, really.
Because in the time since I last blogged,
I've gotten my license,
Been to Oregon,
Bought tickets to another Vampire Weekend concert,
And have had some cool talks with some cool people.
Totally enough to inspire someone.
And yet......
I mean,
I'm pleased.
But is that enough?
Does someone want to mosey through life simply being pleased?
I want to be excited.
Excite me,
Inspire me.
Is that really too much to ask for?
Clearly it is.
I literally almost feel asleep writing this post.
What does that say about me?
I really have no idea what I want to write about.
Well, thats a lie.
I want to write about Lorenzo.
.... Or Romeo.
.... Or Charlie.
Or whatever you want to call the ideal man after watching Letters to Juliet.
Which I just did with my mother.
As far as chick flicks go, it was a good one.
At the end, I found myself smiling for the characters.
And not a "Thats so sweet" closed mouth smile.
A "I'm so happy for them" teeth-baring smile.
So now I'm listening to the pop-iest love songs I have,
The kind of songs that make me want to grab my hairbrush, jump on my bed, and sing along.
Aka: lots of T-Swifty, some Jon McLaughlin a la Enchanted, Kissin U by Miranda Cosgrove, and Kate Nash amongst others.
(You should feel honored.
I just admitted some of my guiltiest music pleasures there.)
Really though,
I have no shame.
I've danced around in my room to You Belong with Me, or the iCarly theme song many a time.
Oh my gosh, I'm twelve.
Haha. Meh.
No shame.
I suppose that can be all for today, as I dont know what else to write about.
And now I want to go dance around in my room.
So my question for you today is: what are some of your guilty pleasures?
Come on - just admit it.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying iCarly is a guilty pleasure. That show is pure pleasure. I dont care if I'm 17, I love it so. Have you ever watched it? I bet you would love it. Or not. Whatever. I'm not judging - and neither should you.
The other day, I was with my sister Ingrid.
There was a clipboard around and I immediately wanted to do something formal with it.
So I wrote up some questions and interviewed her.
I quite enjoyed it.
And it got me thinking....
I love it when people do series on their blogs.
And I love doing the few series I've started.
("What? What series?"
Without further ado,
I am starting a series which I woud like to call
In this series,
I will interview people who are near and dear to me,
Or even people who arent.
Just people who I find interesting.
Their interviews will have no purpose.
It'll just be fun, and something to do/something to read.
And you, the reader, can get a little insight on the people in my life.
Who, I suppose, in this series I'm calling "onions"
And my first Onion is my sister, Ingrid:
Adriana: If you were a fruit, which would you be and why?
Ingrid: A watermelon, because I think watermelons are the best fruit to have ever evolved on this planet. And they're juicy.
A: Can you bust a move?
I: Yes, but it depends on the time of day.
A: How do you spell "onomotopoeia"?
I: A-N-O-M-A-D-E-P-I-A.....?
A: Three words to describe your shampoo?
I: Cheap, bird [Dove], best.
A: What can you accomplish with 30 seconds and a microwave?
I: Leftovers.
A: What time of day?
I: What time of day what?
A: Just.... what time of day?
I: Dusk.
A: What do you think of the name Hector?
I: Red-headed mexicans.
A: What is hazardous to your health?
I: Pickle tampons.
A: What do the three R's stand for to you?
I: Reduce, reuse, recycle. Thats so boring, but its true.
A: Depressed mime or flambouyant debt collector?
I: Depressed mime.
A: Signature?
I bet she wishes she took this interview seriously, now.
Well, that was fun.
Who shall I interview next?
Perhaps you?
If you are smart
You will NOT
Stay up till 11:00 making playlists named "L.O.V.E"
(With songs like Fix You by Coldplay
And The Luckiest by Ben Folds
And Sea of Love by Cat Powers
And Such Great Heights by Iron & Wine
And First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
And Somewhere Only We Know by Keane)
Then stay up till 12:30 listening to said playlist.
You will not look at adorable pictures like these,
(click on pics for [sort of] credits)
And you will definitely not do this when you are so pathetically NOT in love, its pathetic.
And in NOT doing this
You WILL not
Think about how jealous you are of those who have someone
Someone to talk to
Someone to hold hands with
Someone to comfort you
Someone to make you feel like the world
And someone who feels like the world to you in return.
You will not think of the upcoming summer
And start to sing Summer Lovin from Grease.
You will not long for late nights talks
And you will not hope for early afternoon drives
You will not wish for trips to the snow cone shack
And you will not make up a playful snow cone shack game, wherein you and him choose a different flavor for each other every time.
Are smart.
So you didnt do this.
And you didnt hope that.
I wish I was more like you.
Now that thats out of the way,
I feel the necessity to tell you that my Four Projects for Four weeks were a disaster.
But they were a nice thought.
And May went by pretty effin quick,
So I guess they would have been redudant anyways.
School is officially over.
O wait, thats the Alice Cooper song.
Just kidding.
Schools only out for the next glorious three months.
But still,
It might as well be forever.
I cant wait to get my summer started.
My summer of concerts,
Rock climbing,
The OC,
And lounging aroung.
I guess I've just been thinking a lot lately about how I want someone to lounge around with.
Hence the slightly-emo/slightly-hopeless beginning.
I'm 17,
I'm allowed to be having these thoughts, right?
Or am I still too young?
When will I be old enough?
My only love this summer will be Jack Johnson.
I just got his new CD...
And am now listening to my entire Jack Johnson library.
He is the wonderful epitome of summer.
Oh look,
He wrote a song for me.
How sweet.
I'm a weird mood.
And I'm tired.
And I have to get up at 5:30 AM tomorrow.
Yes, you read right.
On a saturday.
I feel ADD.
I cant concentrate.
I need an otterpop.
At 7:30 AM,
I entered the auditorium "testing area,"
Stomach turning with nerves.
Four hours later,
At 11:50 AM,
The counselors called out "Put down your pencils"
And the reason that I've been breaking my neck (in a class that I'm underqualified for) was over.
Just like that.
This is the most worried I've ever been about a test.
I'm not a nervous test taker for the most part.
I try my best and am generally satisfied with my score.
But for this test,
this blasted AP US History test,
I felt like crying every time I thought about it.
I tried to cram as much information I could into my brain.
I tried to remember as many court cases as I could.
I tried to memorize as many dates as I could.
At the suggestion of a friend,
I even read out loud the history review cards into a tape-recorder,
And listened to it later as I lay down for the night.
(And in one desperate instance, as I excersised.)
I did key terms as I watched American Idol,
I studied out of the AP Prep book as I drove down to SpyHop,
I worked on more key terms instead of listening to a physics lecture.
(Which, I admit, was probably not the best idea.
I have a LOT of catching up to do in physics and algebra.)
I did all this,
And today,
All this work came to a fruition.
And even though its over,
I'm still incredibly nervous.
I'm not one hundred percent sure I'll pass.
I'm not even 60% sure I'll pass.
Which worries me.
The multiple choice section was alright.
I knew more than I thought I would.
I didnt have enough time to finish the last two questions though.
The essays were awful.
My first was alright.
It wasnt horrible.
I feel ok about my second essay.
I'm not sure I kept to the time period they designated,
As I had absolutely NO clue about the dates on ANYTHING.
But I knew the most about that topic, so I'm counting on that.
My third essay though....
Oh geez.
I dont even want to talk about it.
It was that bad.
What made the whole essay experience worse was the fact that I shared a table with the smartest girl in our class.
She opened her question booklet and started cranking out lists of information as I stupidly stared at my paper trying to squeeze my brain for any drop of information on the subject.
My essays compared to myself - perhaps my second essay and a fraction of my first essay will save me.
My essays compared to her - I'm absoutely screwed.
When the test was over I went to lunch at Red Robbins with Rachel and my mother.
It was delicious.
Then I went home and crashed for four hours.
Naps should be required every day.
They're spectacular.
When I woke up from my nap, for some reason I felt incredibly confident about my essays.
And for a split second I was sure it would be enough to pass me.
Then I REALLY woke up and remembered how horrible they were, and had Whataya Want From Me by Adam Lambert stuck in my head.
(Curse you over-head radio at Red Robbins.)
O well.
I guess stressing about it and mulling over it wont do me any good.
I just have to wait.
Until, by the way, the third week of July.
Its like the AP people purposefully want to kill us.
As I'm trying to remind myself,
Its over.
As I left the school and walked outside,
I swear the sun was shining a little brighter.
I promise I'm not just exaggerating.
Because of all the studying I did this last week, the Four Projects for Four Weeks was sort of put on hold.
Well, no it wasnt.
The pictures are just incredibly boring.
They are literally all of pencils, books, and flash cards.
So I think, due to the fact that I still dont have an idea for the last week of May,
Weeks One and Two will merge into one super project, and the other projects will be moved back a week.
So all NEXT week, I will take pictures.
Then I'll add the pathetic six pictures I took this week.
Sound good?
Pictures will actually be fun to take next week, too,
Cause Spring Fling is coming up.
Y'all know what a sucker I am for school dances.
You dont?
Well, I'm a sucker for school dances.
This post is quite long isnt it?
I'm rambling.
So I'll end it here, and I'll leave you with these pictures and the request for some advice.
Every year, when buying sunglasses, I either go with aviators or Ray Ban-esque types.
This year, I sort of wanted something different.
What do you guys think of cat-eye sunglasses?
Oh, if I only had the courage.
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