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Fourty Three - The Plea To Be Excited.

I have weak moments.
Like at night when I'm recapping my day.
In those moments I miss your presence in my day to day.
But for the most part,
I'm so over you its not even funny.
And the best part is
Our friendship was so miniscule on the scale of life,
On the scale of your life,
That you dont even know.
You dont even care.

I want to fall in love with life.
But to be honest, I'm incredibly bored with it.
I need something to get excited about.
I think thats why I havent blogged in such a long time.
Nothing has excited me lately.
Nothing has inspired me lately.
Which is ridiculous, really.
Because in the time since I last blogged,
I've gotten my license,
Been to Oregon,
Bought tickets to another Vampire Weekend concert,
And have had some cool talks with some cool people.
Totally enough to inspire someone.
And yet......

I mean,
I'm pleased.
But is that enough?
Does someone want to mosey through life simply being pleased?
I want to be excited.
Excite me,
Inspire me.
Is that really too much to ask for?
Clearly it is.

I literally almost feel asleep writing this post.
What does that say about me?


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