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Fifty Seven - The Second Night

Tonight I baked.
And I considered making this part of my upcoming Baking with Adri series, rather than an Aoa18I
That is an awful acronym.
When I finally do a Baking with Adri segment (which I will,) I want the pictures to be a bit nicer. Perhaaaaaaaaaaaaps I'll even vlog.
This is all yet to be determined.
So for now,
As I was baking rather late and only had my phone to take pictures,
It is going to fall under my new favorite series....

As I previously stated,
Tonight I baked.
I decided to make chocolate croissant type things, because this seemed the easiest.

The ingredients:
  • A can of croissant stuff. (The kind that you have to pop! open. You know, the one that I can never do on the first try because I am too scared of it exploding. The one that also makes me jump everytime it finally busts open.)
  • Nutella
  • Chocolate chips
  • Powdered sugar, eventually.
  • Really, anything else you want to put in/on top of them. This is all I had tonight, though.

After you open up the can, unroll the croissants, and break them up. This is a bit tricky and, as you can see, some of my triangles turned out a little Starry Night.
In other words, they are more swirly than triangle-y.
Tis okay.

Spread the Nutella across the middle of the triangles.
If you didn't think baking could get inappropriate, it probably just did.
Take of that what you will.

Put chocolate chips on the heavier side of the triangle.
I'm sure there is a geometrical term for that, but I am too lazy to look it up.
If you know it, leave a comment and school me. Please.

Starting on the heavy side, roll them up and let the pointy side fold over like so.
You might have to physically shape them to actually look like croissants.
That was the goal here, but all I can see are small, sad Yoda heads.
Do Yoda's ears work like an animals?
Do they wilt when he's sad?
(Note, the one that is most Yoda-like is the one on the bottom left.
Am I the only one who see's it??)

Into the oven they go. Leave them in there for about 12 minutes.
Though my brother said that the chocolate wasn't melted as much as it should be.
We figured it might have been because of the Nutella layer.
However, I think they turned out fine so my brother knows nothing.
If you'd like, you may keep them in the oven longer to make it reeeeaaaaaalllly gooey, but there is a chance you'll burn the bread.
Priorites and decisions.

All done! Please use oven mitts. Safety first, folks.
I just say this because I care.

Voila! All the little Yoda heads are snuggled together like pigs in a blanket.

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Put one on a classy Halloween paper plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and enjoy.

Top off with a glass of milk in an Oregon mug, and call it a night.
Or if you're like me,
Don't call it a night, but rather a nice way to waste a half an hour.
Was this a nice way to waste a half an hour?
Are you tired yet?
I'm not.

- Adriana

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loved it~ hahaha Yoda... my creys all over that part, my creys :"> so, funny. love.


I love this! I need to make these now. I blame you Adri!

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