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I wish I was brave enough to carry around an umbrella.
To carry it around and actually use it, mind you.
I have an umbrella,
A cute one, even,
But I'm too scared to ever whip it out.
I'm afraid I'll look too silly.
I dont live in New York,
Where people walk so much they NEED umbrellas.
Or I dont live in Seattle.
Where it rains so frequently it would be foolish not to have one.
I live in Utah.
Where people dont commonly use umbrellas.
But I want to.
I just wish I had the guts to.
I wish I had an excuse to.
I wish I was going for a walk in the park in the warm April rain.
I wish my school was close enough that I could walk to, all the while shielding myself from those showers that promise May flowers.
(Though not the Mayflowers that promise pilgrims. Thats a different season.)
I wish I didnt need an excuse.
I wish I could just be brave enough to take out an umbrella during the brief minutes that I'm outside.
Walking from the house to the car, and the car to the school.
(Wow. That sounded pathetic.
"You need to get out more," right?)
I sort of love umbrella's.
And I sort of hate that where I live its not normal to just walk around using them.
I also sort of hate that in Utah we dont necessarily have April Showers.
We have April Snow Storms.
Where's the magic in using an umbrella during that??

Tell me - do you use an umbrella?
Take a picture of it, and send me a link!
(I'll post a picture of mine later.
I'm too lazy to go grab it from my sisters car right now.)


P.s. Arent these umbrellas(/slash/the way they match their tights) adorable?
I want an umbrella with ears or eyes of some sort.
Like the first picture, too!

So to get you through the day:

The Killers - Glamourous Indie Rock & Roll .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

You're welcome.
(I'm petioning for this song to become an anthem for all us cool kids out there.)
(I'm not, actually. But wouldnt it be cool?)

- Adriana

So in addition to my mustache-post,
I need to blog about another blog today.
As I forgot to yesterday.
But since when is it abnormal for me to blog twice in a day?
Let me answer that for you.
Since never.
So today, I wanted to quickly direct your attention to this blog,
The last blog of the "Real Blogs" series,
(I've said blog about a million times in the past thirty seconds):

Like her banner says, its "your daily dose of kak, bad language and occasional sarcastic wit."
Reading her blog reminds me what being a teenager is all about.
Hanging out,
And complaining about school.
You gotta love it.

You also gotta love Run, by Vampire Weekend.
Which is what I'm listening to right now.
How could you not be absolutely in love with this band??
I know I am.

Vampire Weekend - Run .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine


So the other day, I was thinking:
One day, I want to have enough readers to host a blog giveaway.
Then I started thinking:
What would I give?
The first thing I thought:
Something mustache-related.
So I figured:
I should probably explain my strange love for mustaches.
So today I'm going to blog about:

(This is a poster featuring many famous mustaches that is in my room.
Or at least, thats waiting to go in my room.
My room is kind of in-between being decorated right now.)
I dont know why I enjoy them so much, but I do.
But first, lets clarify -
I do NOT like them on guys.
Wispy little hairs on upper lips just isnt attractive to me.
I LOVE the novelty of mustaches.
(I got this little gem at a Party City, I believe.
And look closely.
It definitely says "100% Human Hair"
Hows that for dedication, yeah?
Ive had it for a couple of months now, and refuse to take it out of its package.
I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity.)
If you were to ask me where my love for novelty mustaches comes from,
(Which my sister, Amanda, does. Often.)
I really dont know what I would tell you.
Though, thinking back on it, Ive always found them humorous.
But I think what stemmed the open passion for them was this cup I found at Urban Outfitters.
(Hey, look! Its me!)
And ever since I got that cup, it sort of exploded.
My sisters, Ingrid and Astrid, understand and support.
Which I first realized during Christmas.
They got me mustache stickers, mustache notebooks, a mustache t-shirt, and that mustache poster I showed earlier.




(On rare occasion do I feel cooler than when I wear this t-shirt.)
When Bee and I were waiting for hours before the Vampire Weekend concert,
She nonchalantly grabbed my hand, and started drawing something.
When I asked: what are you doing?
She said, like it was no big deal: Drawing a mustache on your finger.
This is why we're best friends, Kolbie Anne.

I have this black-light pen, that writes invisble, but shows when you shine a black light on it.
What was my first course of action when I got it?
Draw an invisible mustache on myself, of course.
And then draw them on anything that came into my path.
(I may or may not be wearing an invisible mustache right now)

If one thing is certain, its this:
For some strange reason,
I am a mustachio nut.
For shiz.
And in the distant future I will host a blog giveaway.
And when I do, the lucky winner will be showered in mustaches-o-plenty.


When Alpha The Beta Fish died, everyone immediately told me to get a new fish.
But I wasnt ready.
I felt like I would be replacing Alpha.
However, I very quickly realized how lonely it was without a fish.
I wanted to have a new fish-friend, but I didnt want to seem rude by moving on so quickly.
By now, though, everyone seemed to respect my decision of not getting another fish.
But what I needed was someone to tell me to buck up and move on.
Luckily such a person exists in my life.
Him: Have you gotten a new fish yet?
Me: No. Like I said, I dont want to replace him so easily. But then again, its very lonely without one. I find myself constantly looking over at my bed-side table, where his bowl used to be. Its become habit, and its knd of depressing.
So in short: no. Its all very confusing.
Him: Ok... I'll help you! Get one!!!

Well, if you insist.
So, after much consideration and contemplation, I decided it was time to get another fish.
I originally wanted a goldfish.
Then I was convinced to get an x-ray fish.
And I got really excited about that.
Then I went to the store and was convinced an x-ray fish was a bad idea.
Because I have a bowl, not a tank.
Apparently the only fish that lives super well in a bowl is a beta fish.
But I didnt want to get a replacement Alpha.
(It'd be too weird to have a fish that looks exactly the same.)
So, a bit disappointed, I opted for my original plan.
And I got a goldfish.
In fact, I got two.
Meet Clark & Kent:



Though they're not x-ray fish, I'm content with my decision.
I missed having a fish.
And the more I watch them, the more I get attached to them.
But now I am once again in the stages of getting to know my fish.
When I first got Alpha I swear he didnt like me.
But eventually got he used to me.
So I'm trying to get to that point with Clark & Kent now.
Cause right now theyre skittish.
And Kent's a little feisty.
In due time, I suppose.

I miss Alpha, but I think this will be really good.
And luckily goldfish arent as delicate as beta fish.
Together, Clark & Kent will join forces and become indestructible.


This next blog is another blog whose author I personally know.
This blog is honest and real.
She speaks whats on her mind and is not ashamed of it.
For that, I admire her.
I wish I had that courage to simply say what I wanted.
Alas, I dont.
So I slowly boost that confidence by reading this particular blog:

She's a truly talented writer.
I enjoy getting to know her as she continues to grow via-blog.
You'd enjoy it too.
Read it, yo's.


How did everyone's Earth Hour go?

Mine was very successful!
Want proof?
Here's a super-short video of me turning off the lights, set to cool music.
Song = Hus Vid Havet by Detektivbyran
(When I showed this to my brother he said "coooool" sarcastically. Fair warning.)

During Earth Hour, I read.
Not super creative.
But super entertaining when youre reading The Last Song by Nicolas Sparks.
As much as I do NOT like the way Miley Cyrus acts, I MUST go watch the movie now.
The book is fantastic.
I recommend it fo' sho.

Thats all for now.
But I have another post in mind for later.
And another feature post scheduled.
Three posts in one day?
You know how I do.


Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go