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As fall creeps up on us,
We draw nearer to one of my favorite times of the year.
The most wonderful time of the year, in fact.
No, wait, just kidding, that's Christmas.
This is the most almost-the-best-but-mostly-it's-adequate-but-in-a-good-way time of the year.
Yes, you know what I'm talking about.
It's school supply shopping time. 
Except this year, we're not just going back to school.
We're going to college. 
Back to school shopping this year doesn't just mean buying my favorite purple Paper Mate pen.
(Try saying that ten times fast.)
It also means buying bed sheets,
And cleaning supplies,
And a shower curtain
And stuff.
Weird, man.
So weird. 
I decided I would use this time to make a list of things I need/want to buy in order to prepare for college. 
Because that's just so super interesting to you guys, right?
It's my blog anyways.

  • Duvet cover
  • Brita water filter
  • Swiffer Wet Jet
  • Shamwow
  • Avocado Cutter
  • .......
  • ....
  • Avocados

That's all I need to survive in college, right?
I think so, at least.

Not that it matters what I take, anyways.
I fully intend on marrying my first year of college.
To a doctor.
So I'll be well taken care of and such. 
It's gonna happen, homes.
I've already met him.
He's practically proposed already.
I mean, look at the love emitting from those eyes.
His eyes, not mine.
Erica Adriana Pepper.
Has a nice ring to it, no?

Did you know,
That when you get married, the lady basically has a free pass to change her name to whatever she wants?
Some choose to be traditional, and merely add their spouses last name.
Some change their name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.
I plan on adding a "K" to my first name.
So instead of being spelled 
It will be spelled
Makes it a little fancier, I think.
And besides,
That's already how I spell it on my email address.
So it's basically already official.
Maybe I'll add an "@" in Adriana, as well. 

I'm in a weird mood today.

- Adri@na

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kolbie anne

You'd better be more into blogging once school starts... how else am I supposed to keep in touch with your life? :)

Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go