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I really have no idea what I want to write about.
Well, thats a lie.
I want to write about Lorenzo.
.... Or Romeo.
.... Or Charlie.
Or whatever you want to call the ideal man after watching Letters to Juliet.
Which I just did with my mother.
As far as chick flicks go, it was a good one.
At the end, I found myself smiling for the characters.
And not a "Thats so sweet" closed mouth smile.
A "I'm so happy for them" teeth-baring smile.
So now I'm listening to the pop-iest love songs I have,
The kind of songs that make me want to grab my hairbrush, jump on my bed, and sing along.
Aka: lots of T-Swifty, some Jon McLaughlin a la Enchanted, Kissin U by Miranda Cosgrove, and Kate Nash amongst others.
(You should feel honored.
I just admitted some of my guiltiest music pleasures there.)
Really though,
I have no shame.
I've danced around in my room to You Belong with Me, or the iCarly theme song many a time.
Oh my gosh, I'm twelve.
Haha. Meh.
No shame.

I suppose that can be all for today, as I dont know what else to write about.
And now I want to go dance around in my room.
So my question for you today is: what are some of your guilty pleasures?
Come on - just admit it.


Disclaimer: I'm not saying iCarly is a guilty pleasure. That show is pure pleasure. I dont care if I'm 17, I love it so. Have you ever watched it? I bet you would love it. Or not. Whatever. I'm not judging - and neither should you.

The other day, I was with my sister Ingrid.
There was a clipboard around and I immediately wanted to do something formal with it.
So I wrote up some questions and interviewed her.
I quite enjoyed it.
And it got me thinking....
I love it when people do series on their blogs.
And I love doing the few series I've started.
("What? What series?"
Without further ado,
I am starting a series which I woud like to call

In this series,
I will interview people who are near and dear to me,
Or even people who arent.
Just people who I find interesting.
Their interviews will have no purpose.
It'll just be fun, and something to do/something to read.
And you, the reader, can get a little insight on the people in my life.
Who, I suppose, in this series I'm calling "onions"

And my first Onion is my sister, Ingrid:

Adriana: If you were a fruit, which would you be and why?
Ingrid: A watermelon, because I think watermelons are the best fruit to have ever evolved on this planet. And they're juicy.

A: Can you bust a move?
I: Yes, but it depends on the time of day.

A: How do you spell "onomotopoeia"?
I: A-N-O-M-A-D-E-P-I-A.....?

A: Three words to describe your shampoo?
I: Cheap, bird [Dove], best.

A: What can you accomplish with 30 seconds and a microwave?
I: Leftovers.

A: What time of day?
I: What time of day what?
A: Just.... what time of day?
I: Dusk.

A: What do you think of the name Hector?
I: Red-headed mexicans.

A: What is hazardous to your health?
I: Pickle tampons.

A: What do the three R's stand for to you?
I: Reduce, reuse, recycle. Thats so boring, but its true.

A: Depressed mime or flambouyant debt collector?
I: Depressed mime.

A: Signature?
I bet she wishes she took this interview seriously, now.

Well, that was fun.
Who shall I interview next?
Perhaps you?


If you are smart
You will NOT
Stay up till 11:00 making playlists named "L.O.V.E"
(With songs like Fix You by Coldplay
And The Luckiest by Ben Folds
And Sea of Love by Cat Powers
And Such Great Heights by Iron & Wine
And First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
And Somewhere Only We Know by Keane)
Then stay up till 12:30 listening to said playlist.
You will not look at adorable pictures like these,

(click on pics for [sort of] credits)

And you will definitely not do this when you are so pathetically NOT in love, its pathetic.
And in NOT doing this
You WILL not
Think about how jealous you are of those who have someone
Someone to talk to
Someone to hold hands with
Someone to comfort you
Someone to make you feel like the world
And someone who feels like the world to you in return.
You will not think of the upcoming summer
And start to sing Summer Lovin from Grease.
You will not long for late nights talks
And you will not hope for early afternoon drives
You will not wish for trips to the snow cone shack
And you will not make up a playful snow cone shack game, wherein you and him choose a different flavor for each other every time.
Are smart.
So you didnt do this.
And you didnt hope that.

I wish I was more like you.

Now that thats out of the way,
I feel the necessity to tell you that my Four Projects for Four weeks were a disaster.
But they were a nice thought.
And May went by pretty effin quick,
So I guess they would have been redudant anyways.
School is officially over.
O wait, thats the Alice Cooper song.
Just kidding.
Schools only out for the next glorious three months.
But still,
It might as well be forever.
I cant wait to get my summer started.
My summer of concerts,
Rock climbing,
The OC,
And lounging aroung.
I guess I've just been thinking a lot lately about how I want someone to lounge around with.
Hence the slightly-emo/slightly-hopeless beginning.
I'm 17,
I'm allowed to be having these thoughts, right?
Or am I still too young?
When will I be old enough?

My only love this summer will be Jack Johnson.
I just got his new CD...
And am now listening to my entire Jack Johnson library.
He is the wonderful epitome of summer.
Oh look,
He wrote a song for me.
How sweet.

I'm a weird mood.
And I'm tired.
And I have to get up at 5:30 AM tomorrow.
Yes, you read right.
On a saturday.

I feel ADD.
I cant concentrate.
I need an otterpop.


Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go