Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you stay a while, and find something that tickles your fancy. Feel free to contact me via email, Twitter, and/or comments.


For those of you who still happen to read this blog, I would like you to know that, after much contemplation, I've come to the conclusion that I've exhausted this little corner of the internet. 

When I have a blog for too long, I feel like I have to keep up with the persona I've built around said blog. 
I need a change, because I have changed.
As I said in the very first post I made on this blog - on January 2nd 2010, if you can believe it - "Eventually you fill up all the pages in your journal.
And it's time for a new one.
And the story's the same,
It just has a different cover.
New year, new blog, and whatsit."
New time, new blog, and whatsit. 
I can't even believe how long ago that first post was. 
The strange thing is, it doesn't seem like it was THAT long ago.
I remember distinctly making those cupcakes.
I remember deciding to blog about it.
I remember my sister commenting on the post. 
But then when you consider all the changes my blog has gone through since then - 
The multiple renovations,
The few identity crises, 
When you consider all the changes I'VE gone through since then...
It was a very long time ago.
I'll leave this blog here. As a reminder of who I was during 2010 and 2011. 
But I'm beginning a new blog. A blog where I will write more about college. A blog where I will worry less about being a "blog" and focus more on writing. A blog whose URL I would be happy to share with anyone who wants it. 
If you want it,
There is a comment box below. 
(Presumably. I think that's how my blog is laid out.)
Thank you for accompanying me this far, friends.
I appreciate it.
I hope you'll be there for the next leg of the journey.
- Adriana

Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go