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Fifty Two - The Quesadilla Maker

So since I last did a real blog update I:
  • Applied for college.
  • Got in to college.
  • Can't pay for college.
  • Got a quesadilla for Christmas. (For college.)
Yes. I got a quesadilla maker, and Kolbie got a a MacBook Pro.
But I'll try not to be jealous.

I've been real puzzled about what to do with this 'ere blog when I go to college.
I dont know if I want to keep blogging on this blog.
Should I continue on this blog?
Should I create a new blog?
Should I create a new blog on tumblr?
Should I VLOG on youtube?
The possibilities are endless.
(Though, I can tell you right now I wont be vlogging any time soon.
I'm not nearly interesting enough.
I have a hard time keeping my three friends interested in my life.
Trying to keep all of YOU interested too?
Come on.)

I honestly cannot even wait to go to college.
I can't wait to have new experiences.
To live on my own.
To meet new people.
Thats what I'm most excited for.
Meeting new people.
I feel like I've met everyone in Utah.
Or at least everyone in Cottonwood.
Or at least everryone in my grade.
Or at least everyone worth meeting in my grade.
Or at least everyone in my grade worth meeting who's willing to meet me.
Aka: Not a lot of people.
I need new people in my life.
People with the same interests as me.
People who will nerdily obsess over music with me.
People who will... I dont know. Relate to me.
Not to say the people I know now dont relate to me.
I just want to meet someone.
To get to know someone.
Someone who doesnt know me.
I can't wait for that in college.

That is... if I can even pay for college.

I also got a panini maker for Christmas.
I may not be able to do my homework in college, but at least I wont starve.

- Adriana

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Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :) Hope you keep blogging when you go to college- i started my blog when I was studying and it was nice to have something to do that wasn't an assignment- but something fun that was for myself :)

a girl with a smile

keep this blog! Blogging kept me sane when I went to college. I confess I didn't post as often as everyday, but it did me good to know I could vent, rant and inspire. :) Oh, they places you'll go!


@herecomesthesun: Thanks for YOUR helpful comment! You're absolutely right - blogging during college will be something that I can do for myself.

@a girl with a smile: You're right, as well! Just knowing that the blog is there for me to fall on would be nice. Even if I dont update it every day. (Which I dont even do now, anyways.)

I love it when I get random comments on my blog. (I love it even more when it comes from a blog I follow religiously.)

Copyright 2010 Oh, The Places We'll Go